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Bombtrack Media is committed to helping busy brands and professionals create explosive, engaging content while simultaneously saving time, reducing stress, and increasing reach & visibility.


I specialize in season-based podcast content creation that positions your brand as a resource and authority in your niche - establishing trust, strengthening communication, and bringing new people into your circle of influence.


I also focus on repurposing your content for videos, blogs, social media, and more, thus boosting your overall digital footprint. 


All done with your goals, brand objectives, and busy schedule in mind.

This is more than just "starting a podcast." My focus is elevating your 

brand and helping you build a resource that enhances your efforts from top to bottom, making you an undeniable go-to authority!

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Strategic, Explosive Podcast Marketing
For Results-Driven Brands & Businesses

You're not

You're Not a Full-Time Podcaster.
Why Take On a
Full-Time Podcaster's Schedule?


You may not have woken up this morning and said "I need to start a podcast!"

But I'll bet at some point, you said "How can I get more customers today?"

In order to do this effectively, you need to showcase your expertise and position yourself as THE go-to resource in your space.

That's where content comes into play...and there's no smarter way to produce multifaceted content to amplify your brand than through podcasting.


Building a consistent, engaging podcast is fun, rewarding, and can put your brand on the map.

But make no mistake about it: growing a successful podcast is hard work. 


Especially when you're brand new to the medium and try to shoehorn creation and production

into your existing roles and responsibilities.

This is one reason why most new podcasts don't make it beyond a few episodes.

But here's the good news: you don't have to take on a full-time podcaster's schedule to do this right...

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We're In This Together.
Here's How You Can Work With Me

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All of your podcast planning, production, and asset creation needs handled professionally with your goals front of mind.

We'll work one-on-one on the aspects of podcasting that are most important to you and your brand's overall growth.

This comprehensive program gives you all the tools and strategies you need to launch AND grow your brand's podcast.

The Very First Bombtrack Media Production


This Is What Too Many Creators Do...

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Buy Into "GooRoo" Speak

Some "experts" stress producing 2 or more podcast episodes A WEEK to succeed, so creators try to do this

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Get Stressed & Burnt Out

When they discover how much work is involved, they fall behind, lose patience, and forget why they started

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Quit WAY Too Soon

Before they ever experience any growth or success, they abandon their show and leave it for dead

And this isn't just my take. Statistics support this.

In fact, as of June 2023, an estimated 44% of podcasts have three or fewer episodes.

This Is What YOU Should Do...

Create Podcast Seasons

This allows you to build a resource that focuses on your specialties and adds significant value to your brand 

Maximize Your Content

Repurpose your podcast content for short and long-form videos, blogs, social media posts, webinars, and more

Save Time, Reduce Stress

This approach allows you to reclaim your time, eliminate stress, and stay engaged in the podcasting process

The focus at Bombtrack Media is to make podcasting and content creation work for you by emphasizing depth & quality of over producing mass quantities. We help you produce strategic, engaging content that educates, informs, and tells your story...all done to serve as a pillar of your marketing and branding efforts. 

Build a Podcast That Fuels Brand
Growth and Stands the Test of Time

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Add Undeniable Value to Your Brand

Producing your podcast in seasons allows you to be incredibly strategic and nimble while creating assets that emphasize your brand and specialities. This enables you to connect with the right people and establish undeniable authority in your niche.

  • Each season will be focused on specific aspects of your expertise

  • Save time in production

  • Generate significant, engaging assets to utilize across your entire digital footprint

  • Eliminate podfade and burnout before they ever creep up!

The REAL Truth About Podcasting

Don't Let Anyone Sugarcoat It For You...

Producing a podcast is a lot of work. It requires dedication, commitment, and a sound strategy. But when you do things right, the gains you experience from the collaborative and communicative powers of the podcast medium will be hard to replicate anywhere else in your business.

That's why you need a partner to help you navigate these waters and keep you on track for growth and success. Together, we will:

  • Build a comprehensive strategy that keeps you on point and in control

  • Position you for increased reach and visibility across the Web

  • Establish your authority and thought leadership in your niche

  • Build an asset that adds value to your brand

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Your Next Conversation Could Be THE ONE...

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Podcasting Opens Doors of Opportunity

Podcasting isn't just about creating content. It's an immersive, collaborative experience that, when leveraged properly, opens up new opportunities and creates new relationships. When you're part of strong, engaging conversations that people consume on a daily basis, the impact your words carry is amplified on a global scale.

To get the most from the podcast world, you need to maximize every recording session, whether you're the host or the guest. 

  • Learn how to leverage podcasting as the ultimate networking tool

  • Turn your podcast into a well-oiled machine that creates lucrative relationships and pulls more brand enthusiasts into your orbit

  • Connect with other podcasters and tap into the true collaborative nature of this medium

The Bombtrack Media Approach

Explosive Podcast


🔘 Authoritative Podcast Seasons

🔘 Audio & Video Episode Editing

🔘 10 Short Clips From Each Episode

🔘 SEO-Driven Blog Posts 

🔘 Curated Show Notes

🔘 Comprehensive Strategy Sessions

🔘 Professional Guidance + Training

Starting at $799

Eruptive 1:1 Podcast

Consulting + Coaching

🔘 Continuous Personalized Support

🔘 60-Minute Strategy Calls

🔘 Support via Slack, voice texts

🔘 Online community access 

🔘 Webinar, Q&A, live stream access

🔘 Podcast Guesting Guidance

Starting at $249/mo

The Podcast

Growth Catalyst

🔘 4 60-minute Strategy Calls

🔘 Growth Catalyst Strategy Guide

🔘 Foundational Blueprint

🔘 Market Analysis Blueprint

🔘 Ideal Listener Profile Blueprint

🔘 Online community access

🔘 Support via Slack, voice texts


I Started My First Podcast 
Out of Spite...

Yep, I had a guy trolling me on Twitter and, when I discovered he hosted a podcast, I decided I was going to start my own show and do it better than him.

And guess what? I didn't even come close. I was humbled quickly.

Spite was a stupid reason to start. But thankfully, the courage to press record and begin this journey has led to a decade-long love affair with podcasting - filled with learning, growing, evolving, and collaborating.

I'm glad to be part of this space and look forward to welcoming you to the party as well.

I've seen a lot of changes go down since I got my start and I fully understand the challenges and obstacles you're facing, as well as the questions you're asking, as you get things underway:

❌ Will anyone give a damn about what I have to say?

❌ Do I have enough time to produce a podcast?

❌ What is my podcast going to be about?

❌ How do I avoid getting burnt out with my podcast?

I asked all these questions and then some. But over the past 10 years, I've found the answers and I'm ready to help you...

✅ Produce your podcast with precision, clarity, and confidence

✅ Save time and reduce stress in the production process

✅ Cultivate your ideas into a finely-tuned brand content machine

✅ Develop a strategy and mindset that leads to longevity in this arena

This is the answer you've been looking for!

If you're a busy business owner, brand builder, or creator looking for a smarter, more efficient way to leverage podcast content creation but need a little help to make it happen...

Hit the work with me button and let's blow things up!

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Reclaim Your Time and Dominate the Podcast Game.

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No more stressing about producing multiple podcast episodes a week

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No more aimless episode releases that serve no purpose for your brand

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No more wasted time and energy trying to create your podcast content

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No more burnout, podfade, or pushing forward with no break or time off in sight

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“Jason has been a pleasure to work with. He makes podcasting fun, easy, and effective. I couldn’t imagine doing a podcast without his guidance. I highly recommend Jason Cercone for all things podcast consulting and production!” 

Alexa Young, CA

Sara Makin - Founder & CEO of Makin Wellness and Host of Stuff My Therapist Says

Frequently Asked Questions

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Do I need to produce podcasts every week to be successful?

How can a podcast benefit my brand?

Absolutely not! One of the common misconceptions of podcasting is there's only one way to produce your show. That's a fallacy. You need to produce content in a way that fits your schedule and your creation needs. 

There is no blanket answer to this question. Every brand has different needs, goals, and objectives. That said, podcast creation has advantages and benefits for companies, brands, entrepreneurs, and leaders of all shapes and sizes. The key is determining the best way to leverage the medium so it serves you and delivers an adequate return on your investment.

What is the best way for a busy professional to leverage podcasting?

This is another question that doesn't have a blanket answer. But if you have a lot of responsibilities on your plate as it is and still want to utilize podcasting to create brand-elevating content, the best approach is to create seasons built around your specialties. This way, you build a resource that educates your audience while saving yourself time, money, stress, and burnout.

How do I monetize my podcast?

The typical answer you'd expect to read here is build an audience, get sponsorships, and run ads. But when you're a brand using a podcast to communicate how you can solve problems for your customers, your products, services, and goods become the monetization. 

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